Thursday, August 25, 2011

What a beautiful week

So our second week of sewing has passed, and my outfit is almost done, just a bit more of hand sewing and my outfit will be finished.  Seeing as I have only 4 more weeks to go, all my effort is going to go into work, so that i can be proud of what I have achieved in my three years at Fedisa.  Im almost a true graduate, I cant wait to tell someone I have an actual degree.  And then overseas for me.  So one more outfit to go, a week of visuals and then my couture gown! I really cant wait to start my next outfit.  My time here at Fedisa has really been amazing, and the best thing I could ever have done.
I thought this quote by Coco Chanel sums me up perfectly, and maybe it does for you to.  Have an amazing week.

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." 
 Coco Chanel


Thursday, August 18, 2011

6th Garment

So we into a new week of sewing.  And starting our 6th garment, the one I am making is inspired by the cobblestone walkway that is part of my theme.  It is a off pink knit, over batting, and I have top stitched over to create a block effect like cobble stones.  The top is going to contrast the skirt as it is going to be made of chiffon and be a lot lighter and airy.  Seeing as we already in August we have only 2 more months to go, and I will have my degree, I'm so excited already! and then I'm off to work on the yachts in America, to just travel and see the world, and then I will come home, and be ready for the real world.  So by next week this time, I will let you know how my garment went.  And just something to inspire you for the week.

"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
Marilyn Monroe

And just a sneak peek at my range...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Storyboard week! We had to design an outfit for a couple.  So my inspiration was Cinderella and her prince.  The outfits I designed had a very royal theme to it, but with an Asian twist.  I used a lot of cream, caramel and paisley print.  Im trying a whole new style of drawing, where I'm drawing my figures the same style the Walt Disney artists draw, well as I said I'm trying to.  Well Im really busy, so wish me luck!
Another quote to go by for the week.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!
Audrey Hepburn


Thursday, August 4, 2011

So we working on our 5th garment now.  Ive made a long plunge neckline dress, with a beaded waistline.  The back is completely open and I am going to put strings of pearls draped onto the back.  For art next week, I have to create a cookbook for Fedisa, I have to have models dressed in food, so I am going to go with a Mediterranean theme, so my model is going to have a dress of pasta on, and the dish on her head.  I have a lot of work ahead of me, but only three more months and I will be officially done.  Would I do it again, most defiantly! 

Here's a picture for my inspiration of my range...


Another quote to go by for the week..

"Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman."
Coco Chanel